Atlas of Operative Surgical Oncology by Sabita Jiwnani


  • Author:Sabita Jiwnani,Anil D’cruz,Rajendra Badwe
  • Edition :1/E
  • Publisher :Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
  • Year :2017
  • ISBN :9789386261984
  • Pages :268
  • Product Type : Paper Back

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Quick Overview

This Atlas of Operative Surgical Oncology from Tata Memorial’s surgical oncology faculty is a valuable contribution to the surgical management of cancer. The well-written text is brief but poignant. Key issues in diagnosis and operative preparation are discussed. The bullet point explanations of the surgical procedure provide a clear description of the operative steps, especially helpful for surgeons who may be experienced in surgery but may not have had the benefit of complete surgical training in cancer surgery. The operative photographs and diagrams are clear, well selected and highly informative. Indications, contraindications and cautions are nicely presented, providing crystal clarity of the key issues that thoughtful surgeons need to properly manage their cancer patients. The value of this document goes beyond its technical scope to touch on key issues in cancer control.
Key Features

• This atlas present surgical principles involved in the management of solid organs emphasizing on appropriate case selection and safe surgical techniques.

• A brief description of the postoperative evaluation of the patient for the procedure, types of anesthesia commonly employed and the positioning of the patient is also included.

• Accompanied by step-by-step description of the procedure and a list of common complications.

• Variations in surgical steps, tips to avoid surgical mishaps and techniques to improve oncological outcomes and surgical safety have been addressed.

• Minimally invasive procedures have been mentioned wherever appropriate.

• Every chapter ends with key points, which include do’s and don’ts for surgery of that organ.

• Operative photographs, illustrations and tables are the highlights of this atlas and make the understanding of the operative field, the technique and steps involved easier to grasp.

• Has more than 60 contributors, most of them are eminent faculty from the surgical oncology department at the Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

• The launch of this book coincides with the platinum jubilee of the Tata Memorial Centre, widely regarded as the premier cancer institute of India.

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