• The second edition of “Ramadan and Diabetes Care” provides deep insights into the physiology of fasting in relation to the diabetics and the intricacies related to diabetes management during Ramadan
• Inspired by the success of the first edition, the new edition incorporates the latest in clinical information and guidelines pertaining to Ramadan fasting in diabetics
• In addition to routine pharmacological management, detailed chapter on insulin therapy and a fresh chapter on the role of newer drugs in diabetic subjects during Ramadan provides valuable insights for the treating physicians
• Also covers diabetes management in special populations like children, adolescents,
• women, and elderly during Ramadan
• Diabetes management in the presence of comorbid conditions during the holy month
• of Ramadan is also elaborated upon
• Written by experts with experience in managing patients with diabetes during the holy
• month of Ramadan from across the globe. |