Microinvasive Dentistry: Clinical Strategies and Tools by John J Graeber


  • Author:John J Graeber
  • Edition:1/E
  • Publisher:Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
  • Year:2021
  • ISBN: 9781909836723
  • page:212
  • Product Type: Paper Back

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Quick Overview

Tooth decay, also known as dental caries or cavities, is a breakdown of teeth due to acids made by bacteria. The cavities may be a number of different colours from yellow to black. Symptoms may include pain and difficulty with eating. Microinvasive techniques involve preparing the tooth surface with an acid and then either placing a seal on top of the surface or ‘infiltrating’ the softer demineralised tissue with resins. These newer methods work by installing a barrier either on the tooth surface or within the demineralised tissue to protect it against acids and avoid the further loss of minerals from within the tooth, thus helping to stop the decay. This book is a comprehensive guide to techniques, technologies and tools used in microinvasive dentistry. Divided into four sections, the text begins with an overview of caries and its prevention. The following sections provide in depth discussion on diagnosis through various imaging devices, then different treatment options and technologies. The final section covers future developments including enamel regeneration and photobiomodulation.
Key Features

  • The clinical appearance of caries has changed since the widespread use of fluoride in most populations. Diagnostic instrumentation and treatment protocols have not kept pace.
  • Technology developed in the past 30 years has made evidence-based diagnosis simple and objective. The advent of Adhesive Dentistry requires traditional technique changes.
  • Caries management and treatment need an overhaul to make early diagnosis and microinvasive treatment a reality.
  • The contents of this book will challenge and enlighten Dental Professionals as to many of these new developments which preserve dental tissues to the maximum extent possible.

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