ICOG- Campus: Non Communicable Diseases and Maternal Health by Ashok Kumar


  • Author:Editor: Ashok Kumar,Co-Editor: Neha Pruthi Tandon
  • Edition:1/E
  • Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
  • Year: 2022
  • ISBN:9789354654701
  • page:120
  • Product Type: Paper Back

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Quick Overview

The aim of this book is to discuss in detail the various Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) affecting pregnancy, to determine the issues in managing these patients in pregnancy and the interventions to prevent NCD. Traditionally the focus was to prevent maternal deaths due to direct causes like hemorrhage, infections, etc. But as the world is undergoing an obstetric transition—a shift from preventing maternal deaths from direct causes to indirect causes like NCDs, a more holistic approach is needed to improve maternal health. Though urbanization has led to economic development and improved women education, it also has had negative impacts such as late marriage and childbearing, increased stress, drug abuse and pollution affecting women health and accelerated occurrence of NCD. Impact of NCD can be reduced by early detection and timely action.
Key Features

  • The present ICOG Campus focuses on the importance of maternal nutrition, lifestyle intervention, Vitamin D and pre-pregnancy counseling in prevention of NCD.
  • Management of overweight and underweight pregnant women, preeclampsia risk assessment and prevention and issues faced in management of NCD have been thoroughly illustrated.

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