Practical Cardiology by M Gabriel Khan


  • Author : M Gabriel Khan
  • Edition : 1/E
  • Publisher : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
  • Year : 2018
  • ISBN : 9789386056016
  • Pages : 342
  • Product Type : Paper Back
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Key Features

• The practical substance of this text is aimed at all doctors who assess, and prescribe for patients with cardiovascular problems.

• The book tells you which drugs are best choice and which are not advisable; for example, atenolol a most used beta blocker is not recommended; angiotensin receptor blockers are poorly effective, but are overly prescribed.

• One million diabetics die annually in India and 1.

5 million in China.

The author has recently shown that diabetics have high blood sitosterol and advises on therapy for diabetic sitosterolemia.

• The chapters on ECG Interpretation Made Easy, Arrhythmias Diagnosis and Treatment are packed with practical steps.

• The chapter on Chest X-ray Interpretation is a surprise; the heart and lung move in concert.

• Bulleted statements allow rapid retrieval.

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