• The concise and user-friendly book uses a unique algorithm-based approach to various pediatric problems
• Every chapter is supplemented by algorithms which address problems affecting neonates, children, and adolscents
• Each algorithms utilizes a concise, step-by-step approach based upon clues from the history, physical examination, and laboratory studies
• The book has been divided into various sections covering all board pediatric specialities and sub-specialities such as neonatology, cardiology, hematology, neurology, pulmonology, immunization, gastroenterology, endocrinology, and ophthalmology
• Each section has chapters covering common problems seen in everyday clinical practice with brief introduction followed by clinical evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and management along with the algorithm
• Each chapter is also supplemented by clinical pearls highlighting important aspects related to management and key points at the end summarizing the discussion
• Written by experts having extensive research and clinical experience. |