Basic Concepts in Head & Neck Surgery and Oncology by Krishnakumar Thankappan


  • Author:Editors: Krishnakumar Thankappan,Subramania Iyer
  • Edition :2/E
  • Publisher :Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
  • Year :2019
  • ISBN :9789352708963
  • Pages :372
  • Product Type : Paper Back

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Quick Overview

This short book is aimed at giving the reader an overview of the subject to reflect all these changes based on the contemporary knowledge in various subspecialties involved in the management of these cancers. The book does not claim to be an exhaustive reference book but as an easy revision manual for the practicing physicians and the trainees. Each of the subsites has been dealt with separately emphasizing on the diagnosis and management. Separate chapters have been added to discuss areas like radiation, chemotherapy, reconstruction and molecular biology. The second edition reflects the advances that have occurred in the recent past, especially the changes in the staging system as reflected in the American Joint Cancer Committee (AJCC) 8th edition. The impact on the management of oral cavity, thyroid and occult primary cancers, due to these changes, has been highlighted. Newer modalities of treatment like robotic surgery and immunotherapy, which have taken their place in the treatment armamentarium, are also updated. Other additions in this edition include management of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) positive tumors, facial nerve issues, melanoma and skin cancers, tumors of infratemporal fossa and practical issues related to tracheostomy. The book still maintains its simplicity in dealing the subject, but at the same time, tries to reflect the contemporary knowledge.
Key Features

• Simple and covers the basic concepts in the management of head and neck cancers.

• Site-wise coverage in six sections and a section for general topics.

• Each section has chapters on pathology, imaging, management principles and surgical principles.

• Provides fundamental knowledge necessary to practice evidenced-based management of head and neck cancers.

• Covers the recent changes in the staging system as reflected in the American Joint Cancer Committee (AJCC) 8th edition.

• Newer modalities of treatment like robotic surgery and immunotherapy are also updated.

• Six new chapters added on Parathyroid Tumors, lnfratemporal Fossa, Temporal Bone Tumors, Facial Nerve, Tracheostomy, and Melanoma and Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers.

• Completely revised chapters on Management of Differentiated Thyroid Cancers and Cervical Nodal Metastasis with Unknown Primary.

• Useful for ENT surgeons, general surgeons, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, radiation and medical oncologists, especially the postgraduate trainees and residents in these specialties.

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