Bedside Obstetrics & Gynecology by Richa Saxena


  • Author : Richa Saxena
  • Edition : 2/E
  • Publisher : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
  • Year : 2014
  • ISBN : 9789351521037
  • Pages : 1156
  • Product Type : Paper Back
  • Condition : New
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Quick Overview

The second edition of the book Bedside Obstetrics and Gynecology is inspired by the tremendous success of the first edition. Though the text in the second edition has been greatly revamped, the concept, however, remains the same. The book, similar to its previous edition, highlights the age-old traditional concept of history-taking and clinical examination. To ensure this, all important long cases in Obstetrics and Gynecology have been described under similar headings: case study, introduction, history and clinical presentation, general physical examination, specific systemic examination, differential diagnosis, management, investigations, treatment (obstetric/gynecological management), complications, recent advances and bibliography. At the end of each chapter, a few relevant questions and answers related to each case study (described in the beginning of each chapter) have been explained. Moreover, this book give details related to both obstetric and gynecological examination.

This book would serve as a valuable resource for the postgraduate students, containing all the common and important case studies in the field of both Obstetrics and Gynecology, which they might encounter in the clinical practice. With this book, they wouldn’t have to refer to the other books. Though mainly for the purpose of postgraduate students and practitioners, some intellectual undergraduate students who ultimately want to pursue their career in Obstetrics and Gynecology are also likely to find this book useful.

Key Features

The book would serve as a useful accompaniment for the postgraduate students, especially at the time of ward rounds. This is a two-part book, first part being Obstetrics and the second being Gynecology. Both these parts provide detailed coverage of a few important cases in Obstetrics and Gynecology. In the second edition, several new chapters, new guidelines, new medicines, treatment regimens and management protocols have been incorporated in various chapters.

The book lays emphasis on the clinical presentation rather than the disease. Each potential long case in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology has been described in form of a case study. Each case study has been carefully designed to simulate the clinical practice scenarios as far as possible in order to evoke the right patient approach and clinical decision-making. The case diagnosis and management has been illustrated with the help of comprehensive yet concise flow charts and a large number of color pictures (both photographs and illustrations}. In this new edition, several new flow charts and approximately 300 more clinical pictures (photographs and line diagrams) have been added. The book highlights the classical and systemic approach towards the diagnosis of a disease and emphasizes on the fact that it is important for the medical students to become acquainted with the skills of taking history and performing clinical examinations. At the same time, keeping up with modern medical practice, all the recent advancements in the respective fields have been added under a separate heading in most of the chapters to help keep the postgraduates and practitioners abreast with the latest evidence-based research in the field. Unlike other books, which have small vignettes, expressing the typical characteristics of a particular disease, this book provides detailed explanation of the abnormality relevant to the case study in question

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