Clinical Guide to Oral Implantology: Step by Step Procedures by Porus S Turner


  • Author:Porus S Turner,India Ferzin Turner Vazifdar,Ashdin P. Turner,Danesh R. Vazifdar
  • Edition : 3/E
  • ISBN :9789352704279
  • Year :2018
  • Publisher : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
  • Pages : 320
  • Product Type: Paper Back

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Key Features

• A clinical guide to demonstrate different stages and steps in oral rehabilitation with implants.

• Addresses preoperative medical consideration and possible complications.

• Covers standard surgical techniques as well as advances in guided bone regeneration.

• Lots of illustrations and photographs are incorporated in excellent quality.

• Must-buy reference for practicing implant dentist and beginner.

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