Clinical Medicine: A Textbook of Clinical Methods and Laboratory Investigations by KV Krishna Das


  • Author:Editor-in-Chief: KV Krishna Das,Editors: Mathew Thomas,PK Sasidharan,S Aswini Kumar,R Kasi Visweswaran,C Sudheendra Ghosh,KR Vinaya Kumar
  • Edition : 5/E
  • ISBN :9789354653292
  • Year :2022
  • Publisher : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
  • Pages : 952
  • Product Type: Paper Back

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Quick Overview

All the chapters have been thoroughly re-examined, redundant materials has been trimmed and newer material has been introduced, making this volume up-to-date and student friendly. Simple language and direct statements are used so that our students and other readers who come from different language backgrounds can find the material easy to understand. Tables, charts, diagrams and figures have all been scrutinized and made more informative and user friendly.
Key Features

  • As per the Competency Based Medical Education Curriculum (NMC).
  • This is a comprehensive book with clinical aspects of all subspecialties required in the complete undergraduate course under Indian universities, written by specialists in their areas of extensive teaching experience. The book is complete in all internal medicine-related specialties as well.
  • Details regarding investigations, especially designed to make the students accustomed to clinical diagnostics and plan investigations to arrive at the correct diagnosis. The interpretations of the results are also given in clear terms. As far as possible the recently added investigations are also included. The simple investigations are described in such manner that the young doctors can perform these tests at the side lab, and this will also help the doctor to set up independent practice, if needed.
  • The most important and unique feature of the book is the information given on Community Medicine, Public Health, Statistics, Medical Research and several facts needed to impart a research attitude to the students and help them to read and understand the publications in the medical journals.
  • The final chapter on Information Technology basics and its contribution to medical science will enables the reader to refer more on this topic.

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