Color Atlas & Synopsis of Pediatric Dermatology by Sandipan Dhar


  • Author:Sandipan Dhar,Sahana M Srinivas
  • Edition : 4/E
  • ISBN :9788194709060
  • Year :2021
  • Publisher : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
  • Pages :546
  • Product Type: Paper Back

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Quick Overview

In this edition, we have introduced four new chapters—skin and systemic diseases and cutaneous malignancies, psychodermatoses, primary immunodeficiency disorders and skin, and principles of vaccination in immunosuppressed children. The topic of ‘patient/parents’ education and counseling’ has been elaborated further. About 100 new entities and 1000 new illustrations have been added to it. The ‘Suggested Reading’ has been added and the ‘Index’ has been updated. Altogether, a new set of quotable quotes cater to more than 500 pages of the book.
Key Features

  • Covers pediatric skin problems, common and uncommon in type IV and type V skin extensively.
  • Contains more than 500 disease entities and more than 2000 color illustrations.
  • Discusses tropical dermatological issues such as cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, vitiligo, skin manifestations of malnutrition with excellent pictorial support.
  • Discusses primary immunodeficiency and skin manifestations, the art and science of counseling in chronic skin diseases and principles of vaccination in immunocompromised children.
  • Gives a rich collection of ‘Quotable Quotes’ which appear at the bottom of each page and gives a relief from serious reading in between the pages.

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