Companion for Obstetrics Gynecology Practical Examination by Haresh U Doshi


  • Author : Haresh U doshi
  • Edition : 16/E
  • Publisher : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
  • Year : 2020
  • ISBN : 9789389776744
  • Pages : 252
  • Product Type : Paper Back
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Quick Overview

The book covers the entire subject in a comprehensive yet concise manner. The book is a ready reckoner for undergraduate and postgraduate students. It is used by students since last 35 years. It has proved as an excellent companion for students facing practical viva voce. All the topics are described point wise in simplified manner avoiding unnecessary elaboration. It is an excellent exam booster for the students.
Key Features

  • Popular and widely accepted book amongst students.
  • The whole book is revised and updated.
  • Provide a compact aid for revision of complete course for practical exam.
  • Additions are done in the chapters on Contraception, Drugs, Obstetric Cases, Specimens and Miscellaneous.
  • New chapter on Induction of Labor is added.
  • The book is found useful by not only UG and PG students but also by practicing doctors and teachers.

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