Competency Based Logbook of General Medicine for all Phases of MBBS


  • Author:Mahajan
  • Publisher: CBS Publishers & Distributors
  • Year: 2021
  • ISBN: 9789390709649
  • Product Type: Paper Back
  • Pages : 252
  • Condition: New
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Salient Feature of this Logbook:

  1. This logbook contains all the activities carried out by learner in the department of General Medicine across all the phases of MBBS.
  2. It provides a single and complete record of competencies achieved by the learner.
  3. Certifiable competencies and ‘show how’ (SH) level competencies taken from undergraduate curriculum vol.2 document of CBME.
  4. Suggested competencies are pre-written in the Logbook.
  5. AETCOM module, Pandemic module, skill training and reflective writing pages are included.
  6. For each competency, ample space is given to record various activities done by the learner throughout MBBS.
  7. This logbook can be an integral part of formative and programmatic assessment of learner.

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