Exam-Oriented Practical Anatomy by Tapan Kumar Jana


  • Author:Tapan Kumar Jana
  • Edition:1/E
  • Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
  • Year: 2018
  • ISBN:9789386150950
  • page:774
  • Product Type: Paper Back

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Quick Overview

The book is organized into four sections: Window dissections—these have been presented according to the standard dissection items taught in most medical colleges in India. A brief idea of the incisions, superficial and deep structures have been provided along with supplementary questions and answers that may be expected in the examinations. Surface anatomy—accurate and easily reproducible landmarks have been used to give a precise account of important points and lines representing important body structures along with further questions and answers to be expected in the examination. Histology—a brief outline of the standard staining procedures and microscopy is followed by brief notes on most of the relevant slides taught in the undergraduate course. Important points are followed by relevant questions and their appropriate answers. Radiological anatomy—standard views of X-rays covering the trunk and extremities have been provided along with detailed discussions of the features to be studied in each film.
Key Features

The present volume showcases the essential information required by undergraduate students in preparing for the anatomy practical examinations. All sections of this book contain a summary of the relevant information along with probable questions that the students may have to face and their appropriate answers. The book will be a useful companion both in the practical classes and at examination time. The sections are organized as follows:

• Window dissections: For cadaveric dissections, the description follows the classroom pattern of incisions, superficial structures, deeper structures, neurovascular bundles and probable questions to be faced in the viva examination.

• Surface anatomy: Clear instructions for drawing both lines and points are given along with accurate descriptions of the structures to be examined and drawn.

• Histology: Salient features for identification of slides are presented in order of importance. This is accompanied by detailed questions and answers covering further aspects of the tissues examined.

• Radiological anatomy: All normal anatomical landmarks and features are mentioned with regard to plain and special radiographs. Further questions on finer structures are mentioned as additional information.

The overall planning of the book attempts to present all anatomical information in a pleasant and palatable format to make the study of anatomy a pleasant and memorable experience.

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