• Efficiently reviews a wide spectrum of topics with an organisation by common ophthalmologic subspecialities.
• Maximize retention with a popular outline approach that distills key information on each topic with at-a-glance key points.
• Sharpens diagnostic and clinical skills which are required to qualify practical ophthalmology exams.
• Provides useful information in an easily accessible format. It is always helpful to remember facts in a way that makes them easily retrieved and communicated in a viva or clinicals.
• The only book available in the market which provides frequently asked viva questions, real-life clinical cases, revision aids and self-assessment practice questions.
• The only book available with a section on general medicine and medical emergencies which are essential components of viva exam in ophthalmology these days.
• Concise, readable and easy-to-use, this book will help all exam aspirants demonstrate their powers of observation and deduction over a wide spectrum of conditions and investigations. This will enable them to enter the ophthalmology viva examination room at ease with their knowledge and fully prepared to deliver thoughtful, accurate and high-impact answers. |