HET’S Manual of Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation by Het Desai


  • Author:Het Desai
  • Edition:1/E
  • Publisher:Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
  • Year:2020
  • ISBN:9789388958622
  • page:368
  • Product Type: Paper Back

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Quick Overview

The manual provides a complete overview of the clinical assessment, diagnosis and rehabilitation of pelvic floor dysfunctions. The book will help physical therapist students, practicing physical therapists or medical professionals to reinvent the world of pelvic floor rehabilitation with needful details about the anatomy, physiology, causes of pelvic floor dysfunctions, associated pathologies, types of pelvic floor muscle dysfunctions and sexual dysfunction in female and male along with different pelvic floor dysfunctions in female, male and pediatric population. This book also mentions different efficient techniques of pelvic floor evaluation, methodologies and treatment options for common pelvic floor muscles condition.
Key Features

  • A complete overview of functional anatomy, dysfunctions, causes, types of dysfunctions (hypertonus, hypotonus, incoordination, visceral), clinical assessment, diagnosis and rehabilitation of pelvic floor conditions in female, male and children.
  • Evaluation and rehabilitation for conditions like vaginal laxity, urinary incontinence (stress urinary incontinence, urge urinary incontinence and mixed incontinence), pelvic organ prolapse, sexual dysfunction, pelvic pain, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, vaginismus and dyspareunia in female.
  • Evaluation and rehabilitation for conditions like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, postvoidal dribbling, prostatitis, postprostatectomy rehabilitation and pelvic pain in male have been discussed.
  • Evaluation and rehabilitation for conditions like enuresis and encopresis in children.
  • Het’s MMT, Het’s SERF Assessment, Het’s Ring Clock Assessment, Het’s RR Scale and HPP guidelines. Most simplified practical approach to noninvasive, transvaginal and transrectal evaluation and rehab.
  • Functioning of multiple types of biofeedback and rehabilitation devices like ultimate noninvasive, smart and extremely efficient technology PF360 for urogenital/urogynec/ anorectal rehabilitation.
  • Basics of medical and surgical management of conditions related to pelvic floor dysfunctions.

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