IAP Textbook of Pediatric Radiology by TM Ananda Kesavan


  • Author : TM Ananda Kesavan, S Venkateswaran
  • Edition : 2/E
  • Publisher : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
  • Year : 2020
  • ISBN : 9789389188974
  • Pages : 238
  • Product Type : Paper Back
  • Condition : New
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Quick Overview

This book provides useful information on conventional radiology which will help the pediatricians in their day-to-day office practice as a ready to refer guide in pediatric radiological investigations. The value of this book is further enhanced as all the authors are pediatric veterans who are also renowned teachers in various medical colleges in India.
Key Features

  • Discusses the discovery and evolution of X-rays.
  • Provides an outline of radiation hazards, types of X-rays and radiographic positions in pediatrics.
  • Advent of Digital Radiography and case scenarios of clinical importance added in all essential chapters.
  • Contains information on emergency radiological investigation.
  • This book will be of immense help for UG and PG students, practicing pediatricians and teaching faculties alike.

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