Outline of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology by T. Rama Rao


  • Author:T. Rama Rao
  • Edition:2/E
  • Publisher:Paras Medical Books Pvt Ltd
  • ISBN :9789383124559 ‎
  • Year:2016
  • Pages:348
  • Product Type: Paper Back
  • Within 48 hours delivery to most places in Karnataka
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Key Features:

  1. Follows the syllabus as prescribed by the Medical Council of India.
  2. Apart from the students of medicine the book will be useful for lawyers, doctors, police officers, forensic science investigation personnel, etc.
  3. The book is in a simplified question and answer format, hence easy to learn.
  4. Presentation is concise and comprehensive, yet highly informative.
  5. Can be helpful as a quick reference book for exam-going students.
  6. Many illustrations and photographs are included for clear understanding of the text matter.

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