Physiology Practical Manual and Logbook of Certification Competencies for MBBS Students, 4/e (1st reprint)


  • Author: Raj Kapoor
  • Publisher: CBS Publishers & Distributors
  • Year: 2022
  • ISBN: 9789354661884
  • Product Type: Paper Back
  • Pages : 272
  • Condition: New
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The main aim to bring out the fourth edition of this manual is to do necessary modifications in the experiments on the basis of latest MCI curriculum (CBME for Indian Medical Graduate 2018 and Competency Based Assessment Module for Undergraduate Medical Education 2019).


    1. As per the latest CBME Guidelines | Competency Based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate
    2. Free Logbook of Certification Competencies Inside as a separate booklet.
    3. All the experiments in the manual have been covered under the following sections:
    4. Hematology Experiments

    1. Amphibian Experiments
    1. Human Experiments
    1. Methods and postures shown for clinical examinations are on the basis of procedures given in Hutchison’s clinical Methods
    1. Mammalian Experiments have been removed to make this manual appropriate for Undergraduates


Salient features

      1. Learning objectives have been added in each practical.
      2. On the use of microscope, color photographs of various interfering objects have been added.
      3. Actual photographs of blood cells (WBC and reticulocytes) have been incorporated for easy identification.
      4. More color photographs have been incorporated in the manual related to the clinical examination of the patient to make the clinical examination easy to understand. The methods and postures shown in these photographs are based on the procedures given in standard international books on clinical methods.
      5. A new experiment entitled “Clinical examination of higher functions of nervous system” has been incorporated as per the list of Certification of Competencies by MCI.
      6. Sufficient space has been given for writing observations, calculation, result and discussion in each experiment.
      7. Several expected viva voce questions along with their answers have been given at the end of each experiment and space provided in the form of student’s notes to write the answers.
      8. Certification logbook for assessment of 13 competencies in “clinical physiology procedures” has also been given as a separate booklet along with the Manual.
      9. New graphs and figures have been added in different experiments for calculation purposes.

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