Practical Manual in Clinical Medicine by ABM Abdullah


  • Author : ABM Abdullah
  • Edition : 1/E
  • Publisher : Jaypee Brothers
  • Year : 2017
  • ISBN : 9789385999710
  • Pages : 916
  • Product Type : Paper Back
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Key Features

• A highly informative and student-oriented book.

• Written in an easy and simple way to study and recapitulate the subject matter.

• Arrangement of chapters is excellent for rapid access and quick revision before examination.

• Sheds light on the important aspects of different diseases covering all the branches of clinical medicine.

• Includes brief discussion on almost all the diseases in a systematic way, i.e. definition, causes, clinical features, investigations, treatment and complications.

• It can also be used by practicing doctors from different specialities to equip themselves with updated knowledge of modern medicine.

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