Research Methodology (Volume – 2) by Dr. A. K. Satapathy & Dr. Sujata Mishra, Dr. Baidyanath Mishra
- Author: Dr. A. K. Satapathy & Dr. Sujata Mishra, Dr. Baidyanath Mishra
- ISBN :JA281.2
- Publisher:Chaukhambha Orientalia
- Product Type: Paper Back
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Research Methodology Vol-II is a student-friendly edition covering details of bio-research that includes ethical challenges, clinical research, various protocols, radiobiology, Ayurvedic pharmaco-epidemiology, Pharmaco-economics, Pharmaco-genomics etc citing from the angle of present-day need with an analytical approach from the classical angle. ‘Evidence-Based Medicine’ is the need of the hour. PG Students, Scholars and Scientists of Ayurveda can use this book. This book is a hand-on-tool to carry out research activities as per internationally accepted protocols. Present-day student can read this book instead of many assorted books as the chapters and subjects match with the new syllabus prescribed for both UG and PG students of Ayurveda.
Dimensions | 30 × 28 × 5 cm |
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