Step by Step Non-Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy by Neerja Goel


  • Author:Neerja Goel,Shalini Rajaram,Rachna Agarwal,Sumita Mehta
  • Edition:3/E
  • Publisher:Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
  • Year:2018
  • ISBN:9789352701759
  • page:214
  • Product Type: Paper Back

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Quick Overview

This book brings few new procedures which include a suture-less technique using a vessel sealing system, the BiClamp; this makes surgery effortless and almost bloodless. Another technique which is in vogue is “aqua-dissection” which produces both tamponade and allows easy dissection, is also described in the text and is amply illustrated.

Vaginal hysterectomy is not complete without mastering the technique of oophorectomy. The hesitancy on the part of the gynecologist to attempt this procedure should be overcome and the correct technique can be learnt after assessing operability which is described in the chapter. Volume reducing techniques improve accessibility to fundal/broad ligament structures. Various methods, such as enucleation, slicing, wedge resection, coring and morcellation are described.

Key Features

The book is intended for all those practicing gynecologic surgery. Non-Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy is the least invasive form of hysterectomy and can be mastered with practice and following principles outlined in this book. Patient outcomes are superior and most hysterectomies for benign conditions can be done by this route. Sixteen chapters of this book with recent evidence-based practices can be a stepwise guide for budding gynecologist to gain proficiency and confidence in performing NDVH. Book incorporates latest literature on the subject. The book has a problem solving approach to difficult scenarios in NDVH surgery.

• Simplifies NDVH and helps to master it’s technique in Step wise manner

• Evidence-based approach in various techniques of NDVH long with latest literature

• A handy reference guidebook for simple NDVH, volume-reductive techniques, vaginal oophorectomy acqua-dissection and clampless surgery in NDVH.

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