Community Health Nursing (2 Volume Set) For BSc and PB BSc Nursing Students (With Free Community Health Nursing Practice Workbook for BSc and PB BSc Nursing Students ) by BT Basavanthappa


  • Author : BT Basavanthappa
  • Edition : 3/e
  • Publisher : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
  • Year : 2016
  • ISBN : 9789351529187
  • Pages : 1528
  • Volume(s) : 2
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Key Features

• Thoroughly revised and updated with new information and data related to community health nursing.

• Chapters are arranged as per the curricula prescribed by the statutory bodies.

• Contains nursing management at community level for communicable and non-communicable diseases.

• Organized into16 sections with 85 chapters.

• Provides relevant figures and tables for better understanding of certain concepts.

• Includes appendices with information on

• Objectives and activities of rural-urban field experience

• Guidelines to write report of the community field experience

• Guidelines to assess PHC activities

• Criteria for evaluation of nursing student’s performance in the field

• Important definitions used in community health nursing

• Maternal and child health calculations and estimation

• Terms used in community health nursing

• Free Community Health Nursing Practice Workbook for BSc and PB BSc Nursing Students that include:

• Important forms for Assessment of family; Assessment of individual who is ill; Antenatal and postnatal assessments; Nutritional assessment of child; Nursing care plan; Community health nursing procedures; Health teaching, etc.

• Appendices contain evaluation tools, calculations, immunization schedule, estimation of MCH services, etc.

• Basic instructions and guidelines for students to prepare assignments in a proper way

• A clinical record book of experience in the area of community health nursing.

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