Homoeopathic Case History Booklet by B JAIN


  • Author: B JAIN
  • Publisher:‎ BJAIN Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
  • ISBN : 9788131937938 ‎
  • Year:2016
  • Pages:46
  • Product Type: Paper Back

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This booklet saves the effort and time by laying out the headings under which the case taking will take place. It starts with the general headings of basic requirement of the patient such as name, age/sex, address, religion, occupation, registration number, marital status and phone number.

The next comes the section of presenting complaints and history of presenting complaints with modalities and concomitants.

On to next is the part where the physician asks about the personal history which includes diet, education, habits and environment at home.

Next comes the whereabouts of the family history which is of much importance in order to know the tendencies in the family.

Next comes the gynaecological and the obstetrics history which completes the female’s history about her menstruation and the obstetric history like if any operations done or any abnormal delivery was the case at that time.

Section of physical generals comes next which includes the appetite, thirst, desire, aversion, intolerance, stool, urine, sleep, dreams, perspiration and thermal reaction.

Next comes the part for mental generals where will, understanding and memory and also other factors such as sensitivity, sexual function, religious beliefs and much more.

Next comes the systematic examination of the body which includes measuring BP, pulse rate, respiratory rate, height, weight, skin, and nails color, texture, and build.

Further sections include the investigation, diagnosis, totality of symptoms, repertorial totality, prescription and the follow up.


Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 30 × 28 × 5 cm

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