Improving Diabetes Care in the Clinic by Jayendra H Shah


  • Author:Jayendra H Shah
  • Edition:1/E
  • Publisher:Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
  • Year:2014
  • ISBN:9789350909553
  • page:360
  • product Type: Paper Back

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Quick Overview

Diabetes with its complications has become a multisystem and multifactorial disease. Therefore, it appears that for a physician, knowing diabetes is like knowing internal medicine, sometimes complex and puzzling. There is a vast amount of literature, often confusing and conflicting, is available on multitude of topics concerning diabetes and its complications. However, this book has made a sincere effort to provide new and futuristic information in diabetes management, and it is not overwhelming. The chapters in this book have made an attempt to provide unbiased and evidence-based information in a comprehensive yet concise manner to be a useful guide for practicing primary care physicians, endocrinologists, and other health care providers in their quest of providing excellent care to their diabetic patients. The authors have taken meticulous efforts to provide current practice recommendation. In many chapters, the tables and figures stipulate clear and concise guidance which can be used as ready reference material by busy practitioners. Most of the care of diabetes and steps taken to prevent its complications occurs in the institutional or private practice clinics.
Key Features

• A comprehensive yet concise book on management of diabetic patients in the clinics for primary care physicians, practicing endocrinologists, and diabetologists.

• Up-to-date review of current practice recommendations for management of type I and type 2 diabetes and its complications.

• Figures and tables are devised to provide clear guidance and can be used as ready reference material for busy clinicians.

• Unique chapter on Diabetes Registry discusses and provides guidelines on how a diabetes registry can help institutions, private practice clinics, and individual clinicians to manage the patients with this chronic disease and its complications.

• The chapter on Epidemiology enhances the understanding of multifaceted nature of pathophysiology and risk factors of diabetes and importance of this understanding in the overall management of diabetes.

• The chapter on Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) explores controversies and provides guidance on how parsimonious and structured use of 5MBG can lead to improved glycemic control and health outcomes in diabetic patients.

• Easy to understand and clear guidelines on the management of pregnant diabetic patient from pre-partum to post-partum and treatment of congestive cardiac failure and hypertension in diabetic patient.

• A new concept in health care delivery ‘Medical Home’ for diabetes which leverages resources and improves outcomes while holding down cost is discussed in clear and concise manner in the chapter ‘Management of Diabetes in Primary Care’.

• State-of-art and evidence based information is provided for management of diabetic neuropathy, erectile dysfunction, diabetic foot, and eye disorders.

• Utility of food frequency questionnaire and motivational interview, the key aspects of nutritional management are discussed.

• Clear understanding of pathophysiology and treatment of type 2 diabetes in youth.

• Guidelines for management of diabetic patients during religious fasting, international travelling, and shift work.

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 30 × 28 × 5 cm

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