Textbook of Ear, Nose and Throat by (Lt Col) BS Tuli


  • Author:(Lt Col) BS Tuli
  • Edition:2/E
  • Publisher:Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
  • Year:2013
  • ISBN:9789350257159
  • page:580
  • Product Type: Paper Back

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Quick Overview

As medical knowledge is expanding day-by-day broadening our vision, changes become a must. Although this book is primarily meant to serve the undergraduate students, but the interest of the postgraduate students has also been kept in mind. The salient features of the book have not been changed and it continues to have colored photographs, flow charts, latest trends in surgical procedures, key points and attractive student-friendly layout. In keeping with the latest concepts, the author has also included chapters on Speech Disorders, Olfaction, Stapedectomy, Dacryocystorhinostomy, Surgery of Salivary and Thyroid Glands, Snoring and Sleep Apnea Syndrome and Multiple Choice Questions. Model Test Papers have also been given in the Appendix for the benefit of the students.
Key Features

• Presents the text in a comprehensive and concise manner

• Designed in a well-illustrated form to learn and practice the essentials of surgery

• Provides a meticulous and absorbable description of various diseases of ear, nose and throat, which is well-supported by photographs and line diagrams

• Contains Key Points at the end of each chapter which will leave an unforgettable impression on the mind of the reader

• Informative and student-friendly for the undergraduates and postgraduates besides ENT surgeons

• Useful for the private practitioners in their day-to-day practice.

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