The Homeopathic Physicians Quick Prescriber by K D KANODIA
- Author: K D KANODIA
- ISBN :9788131900390
- Page:324
- Product Type: Paper Back
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There are hundreds and thousands of books and compilations in the world of homoeopathy. Then “why a new addition” everyone can ask! The present state of affairs in Homoeopathy can be expressed in two words: uncertainty-(hit or miss) and scattered phenomenon.
In a period of about two hundred years, it has gone in reverse direction rather than developing scientifically. It has gone fat in its size, but this in its glory with which it started.
One medicine may have about 4000 symptoms, relevant or irrelevant for a particular patient, but the physician is free to use a dose at his whims on the basis of any symptom.
The scientific dream of Hahnemann has been totally forgotten and is ignored where he wanted to draw only one straight line between two given points.
Rare medicines are also used not because they are very necessary or scientific but because they do not require intellectual or scientific but because they do not require intellectual exercise or use of consciousness.
This work is almost first of its kind to assist the profession in reaching our pioneers at each point where they hit the target. In other words, it is the consolidation of unfailing experiences of our physicians world over who were dedicated to the cause of this science.
The second aspect of this work is to clean all such superfluous mentions and verdicts of our masters, which are incorrect or irrelevant in the present age. It is just what Dr. T. F. Allen wanted when he asked us to reassess and rearrange every science in every age to advance further.
Thirdly it concise all allied and essential details under proper heads to enable a physician to reach his requirements instantly.
Distinguishing Features:
• Hereditary aspects of diseases and homeopathy.
• Special section containing complementary and inimical remedies.
• Collection of diagnostic tips and therapeutic experiences of pioneers in homeopathy.
Weight | 1 kg |
Dimensions | 30 × 28 × 5 cm |
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